Hello, world!

A sentient biological machine attempting to build other artificial ones

I am passionate about Machine Learning. My present interests include knowledge representation, neuro-symbolic reasoning and explainable AI. I enjoy the inner workings of such systems as much as I like their applications. The idea of building smarter machines helps us unravel the fundamental aspects of intelligence itself.

We excel at transforming knowledge from one form to another, seamlessly. For instance, we can explain the same concept with a flow-chart, a program, symbolic logic or natural language. Another key aspect of our intelligence is our ability to map distant concepts that are similar in some way. Moving between multiple representations and drawing analogies is key to be able to build systems which can be better understood and trusted by humans whilst also being less fragile. These seemingly simple tasks, which come naturally to us, are not as trivial to implement with machines. While a lot of spectacular results have put AI at the forefront of our technologies, I believe it is only the beginning of a truly exciting journey as we attempt to understand and simulate what we consider as intelligence.

Some of my projects can be found here – GitHub.

For professional purposes, you can find me here – LinkedIn

For no other reason, you may find more about me here.